New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

New Year is coming soon! There is very little time left before it arrives, let's start preparing for it!
As a rule, on New Year's Day they give gifts to relatives and friends. present. You can, of course, buy them in the store, but it will be much nicer to make them yourself and give them as a gift! So, to please us with such a gift we will need:
- Blue fleece;
- White fleece;
- Blue fleece;
- Red fleece;
- Green fleece;
- Blue threads;
- White threads - 2 pieces, different in thickness;
- Blue threads;
- Red threads;
- Green threads;
- White ribbon.
To begin, take a piece of paper and draw, draw a rectangle 14.5 * 28. We draw and distribute the design on it.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

Now we transfer all the details to another sheet, make patterns and cut them out.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

We cut a rectangle out of blue fleece and make a small allowance. We will need 2 pieces.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

We begin to cut out the fleece parts. Green Christmas tree. White snowman. Details of the hat and scarf are in blue. Carrot nose - red. Buttons are blue. Mittens - white.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

If we put everything together with a picture, we get the following
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

All that remains is to sew everything on and sew the blue rectangles together.First of all, we sew the fur cap of the hat and the lower part of the scarf to the snowman, we sew the scarf in parts so that after sewing on the last part, the scarf looks like a real one.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

Sew on the horizontal part of the scarf.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

It remains to sew on the last detail of the scarf.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

Now we sew on the snowman’s buttons and make the mouth and eyes by hand using stitches.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

Then, using white and blue threads, we sew the resulting snowman and mittens to a blue rectangle prepared in advance.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

Sew on the Christmas tree.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

Using red threads we sew on a carrot nose
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

Now take a needle and white thread. We embroider the hands of the snowman using patterned stitches - chain stitch.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

We bend the top edge of the rectangles by a centimeter and stitch them.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

We take blue rectangles with and without a pattern and place them on top of each other with their front sides facing inward. We take a needle and white threads, which are thicker, and begin to hem the edge with an overcast stitch.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

We sew the second side in the same way. Now we outline the bottom of the bottle, make a small allowance, it is equal to the stitch height. Cut it out.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

Using an overcast stitch, sew the circle onto the product.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

The product is ready!
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne

All that remains is to buy a bottle of champagne, put on a cover, tie it with a ribbon and give it as a gift.
New Year's case for a bottle of champagne
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (1)
  1. Andrey Makarenko
    #1 Andrey Makarenko Guests January 7, 2016 21:00