New Year card “Snow vintage”

Select New Year's present sometimes it’s very difficult, and today it’s not always budgetary. I want to surprise my family and friends. The best gift for your loved ones will be one that is made with your own hands. Therefore, in today’s master class we will tell you how you can make a New Year’s card with your own hands without any special accessories. Everything you need can be bought at the nearest sewing and stationery store. So let's begin.

We will need:
New Year card Snow vintage

New Year card Snow vintage

  • Several sheets of paper with a pattern (you can take paper for scrapbooking, from a children's art kit, or print it on an office or home printer, in the latter case you need to print on paper with a density of more than 120 g);
  • Round paper napkin (these are sold at holiday supply stores);
  • A sheet of thick white cardboard (can be taken from a children's craft paper set);
  • Glue “Moment: Crystal”, stationery glue will also work (it’s better not to use PVA, it leads to paper);
  • Scissors or stationery knife;
  • A piece of lace, cutwork or embroidery;
  • Sequins or colored beads for decoration;
  • Pencil;
  • Ruler;
  • A round object, a compass or a ruler with circles;
  • A piece of keeper or any other tape;
  • Baking thread (it is also sold in stores with holiday accessories or confectionery boutiques; it can be replaced with twisted floss threads);
  • A small picture with a New Year's theme (it can also be printed or cut out from an old postcard or book);
  • White acrylic paint;
  • Dry brush.

First, we make a blank for a double postcard from cardboard. Its folded size is 10 by 14 cm. To do this, measure and draw a rectangle measuring 20 by 14 on a sheet of cardboard, cut it out and fold it in half, draw a ruler several times along the fold.
New Year card Snow vintage

New Year card Snow vintage

Then we take a sheet of paper with a pattern, using a compass, a round object or a ruler with circles, measure a circle with a diameter half a centimeter less than our napkin (to find out its diameter, simply measure the distance from edge to edge through the center).
New Year card Snow vintage

New Year card Snow vintage

We cut out the drawn circle with scissors, apply it to the napkin, if the size suits us, then glue them with glue.
New Year card Snow vintage

Take another sheet of paper with the main design. We attach a blank of thick cardboard to it, trace it along the contour, then cut it out.
New Year card Snow vintage

Using a ruler, measure 2-3 mm on each side, draw lines again and cut out. We need the substrate to be 5 mm smaller than the workpiece.
New Year card Snow vintage

New Year card Snow vintage

We glue the backing to the cardboard so that on each side there is approximately the same distance to the edge of the workpiece.
New Year card Snow vintage

Birch lace. We measure 10 cm and cut it off.
New Year card Snow vintage

We take our base, measure its middle along the short side, make a strip of glue from top to bottom and glue the lace there. Let it dry a little.
New Year card Snow vintage

Next we glue our circle with a napkin just above the middle of the card. We also let it dry.
New Year card Snow vintage

At this time, randomly cut 4-5 small pieces from the remaining paper. Their size should be such that they fit on our circle and do not extend beyond its edges.
New Year card Snow vintage

We bend it a little and tear the edges. This will give a more vintage and New Year's look.
New Year card Snow vintage

New Year card Snow vintage

Glue the pieces of paper together in random order. The last layer will be our New Year's picture.
New Year card Snow vintage

Take the ribbon and thread and fold them.
New Year card Snow vintage

We tie a neat bow.
New Year card Snow vintage

We glue our blank with the picture to the center of the circle, and place a bow just below it. In order for it to grip well, you need to press it firmly with your fingers and hold it for about 1.5 minutes. This time is enough for the Moment to saturate both the paper and the tape.
New Year card Snow vintage

Cut off the ends that are too long.
New Year card Snow vintage

For decoration, glue some sequins or matching colored beads onto the card.
New Year card Snow vintage

Now is the final step to emphasize the winter mood of the card. Take white acrylic paint and a dry brush. Dip the brush a little into the paint and create a snowy effect around the perimeter of the card and on the circle with the napkin. Give it a couple of minutes to dry. The postcard is ready!
New Year card Snow vintage
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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