Topiary “Nut tenderness”

Every home has materials from which you can make an original topiary. This tree is created from a piece of old jeans, a piece of old tulle, nuts and a piece of jute. Everything merged together into a single product that perfectly complements the interior. This topiary is simply fantastic present. You can't buy it in a store. The aura emanating from him is surprisingly calming and peaceful. You can make a topiary with your own hands like this:
1. Buy a special foam ball. As an economical option, you can make a spherical base from paper or a piece of fabric. A ball is formed.

make a spherical base out of paper

make a spherical base out of paper

make a spherical base out of paper

2. It should be finally formed on top with thread or tape.
3. A piece of burlap is cut off. The base ball is wrapped with it.

wrapped ball base

wrapped ball base

4. The leg of the tree is formed from the wire. It should be bent. The wire is attached to the base ball.
5. The leg is tied to the ball with tape or adhesive plaster. The tape also serves to thicken the wire, because the barrel cannot be too thin.

tree leg is formed

Topiary Nut tenderness

Topiary Nut tenderness

6. The jute cord is used to decorate the ball and secure the burlap, and also wrap the leg.
7. Long denim rectangles are cut. Each is approximately 2 cm wide and 11 cm long.
8. This rectangular sheet is bent in half. The twisting of the rose begins.

Topiary Nut tenderness

Topiary Nut tenderness

Topiary Nut tenderness

Topiary Nut tenderness

9. Use a needle and thread to secure each turn of the rose. Petals can be formed by bending this folded rectangular denim strip. The bottom of the rose should be secured well so that the fabric does not fray. In total you need to make 12 roses. At first there was an idea to make the entire tree from such roses, but the product turned out to be too pretentious.
10. Tulle should also be cut into rectangles. Width – 2.5 cm. Length – 12-15 cm. Tulle will create a halo around each rose. To do this, simply fold the rectangle in half, assemble it with an accordion thread and sew it to the base of the denim rose.

Topiary Nut tenderness

Topiary Nut tenderness

11. Walnuts of small size and light color are split into halves and cleaned.
12. Roses with tulle are sewn to the ball. The nut halves are fixed between the rosettes using glue.

Topiary Nut tenderness

Topiary Nut tenderness

13. At the bottom you can glue some lace flowers and attach a small ribbon bow.
14. Take a glass baby food jar. Sand is poured into it or plasticine is filled. The topiary leg is inserted and secured.

Topiary Nut tenderness

Topiary Nut tenderness

Topiary Nut tenderness

Topiary Nut tenderness

15. The bottle is easily decorated with a piece of old children's tights. To do this, a tube of tights is cut to a length greater than the bottle by 5 cm. This fabric sleeve is secured with glue and jute, as shown in the photo.

Topiary Nut tenderness

Topiary Nut tenderness

Topiary Nut tenderness

Topiary Nut tenderness

Topiary Nut tenderness

Topiary Nut tenderness


Topiary Nut tenderness

Topiary Nut tenderness

16. Excellent nut topiary is ready!
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