Panama hat "Marine"

Summer is coming and you can’t do without a hat. I sewed this nautical-themed panama hat for my baby.


Fabric – thin linen. I also needed a piece of white cotton for the ribbon, dublerin and felt for decoration. To make a children's headdress, only one measurement is needed - head circumference (for a child 2-3 years old - about 50 cm). You also need to make three patterns (paper patterns) from paper. If the baby, for example, still has last year’s Panama hat, which has become too small for him, then you can take measurements from it, slightly increasing the size. First, we build a rectangle - a pattern for the middle part of the Panama hat. The length of AA1 is equal to the head circumference (on my pattern - 53 cm), the height of AB is 7-8 cm. The last value is arbitrary and is approximately equal to the height of the child’s forehead. The main thing is that the Panama hat does not fall over your eyes, but is not too short.


Then we set aside 1 cm from points B and B1, shortening segment BB1 by 2 cm. Divide segment AA1 in half and lower a perpendicular from point A2 (the middle of the segment) to point B2. We again divide the resulting new segments in half and draw perpendiculars a2b2 and a3b3.We set aside 1 cm from points b2 and b3 and connect points b4, b5 and b6, b7 to points a2, a3, respectively. The result was darts. Thus, the upper part of the pattern (segment BB1) will be 6 cm shorter than the lower part (AA1). And the Panama hat will narrow slightly at the top. The next pattern is the top of the Panama hat. To do this, draw a circle on paper with a circumference of approximately 47 cm (53 cm - 6 cm). The brim of the Panama hat consists of four identical patterns - two front, two back. To do this, draw the following pattern.


Draw a rectangle. CC1 = 26.5 cm (half the head circumference), CD = desired brim width (6 cm on my pattern). We divide the segment CC1 in half and lower the perpendicular down, extending it beyond the segment DD1. We denote the intersection points as c2 and d2. From these points we put 3-3.5 cm down and put points c3 and d3. Using a smooth line, we first connect points C, c3, C1, then points D, d3, D1. You need 4 of these paper patterns.
We lay out the patterns on the fabric and trace them with chalk.


Cut out the pieces, remembering to leave seam allowances. We make darts in the middle part. We sew the middle part (its short edge is 47 cm) with the top. And first we usually sew together - fabric to fabric, and then we slightly overlap the upper edge of the middle part from the face onto the top of the panama hat and sew it again.

sewing a Panama hat

Turn the product inside out. From dublerin we cut out a circle and a strip of the same dimensions as the sewn parts of the panama hat. We sew them on the wrong side - with the hard side of the doubler inward.

sewing a Panama hat

We bend the edges inward and stitch them together so that they do not fray.

sewing a Panama hat

Now we make blanks for the brim of the panama hat - we fold the paired parts with their front sides facing each other, put a strip of dublerin on top and sew along the bottom edge.

sewing a Panama hat

When we turn the margins right side out, the dublerin will be inside. We sew the brim to the panama hat, placing the seams on top of each other. Try to ensure that the seams of the brim coincide with the side seams (darts) of the Panama hat. Then we make a few more lines on the brim of the panama hat - this way they will look prettier and also become tougher.

sewing a Panama hat

From the inside out, the Panama hat comes out completely without seams.

sewing a Panama hat

We sew belt loops (loops for threading the ribbon) - one on the back and two on the sides.

sewing a Panama hat

However, the Panama hat can be left without belt loops and without decorations - the headdress is already ready. But you always want to decorate things for a child with something cute and cute. As such a decoration, I made a ribbon from white cotton and toys from felt - a dolphin, a starfish, an anchor and a steering wheel. I didn’t sew the ribbon, but made it on a button so that it could be unfastened or washed separately, for example.

sewing a Panama hat

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