We sew a baptismal shirt

In order to sew a baptismal shirt, you will need white cotton fabric (preferably calico), sewing with a figured edge on a cotton base, white satin ribbon 5 mm wide and 2 * 15 cm long for ties, sewing threads, sewing machine, overlog, scissors . The manufacturing process of any textile product consists of 3 stages: cutting, sewing, ironing. Before cutting, it is better to soak cotton fabric in warm water and then let it dry, or at least iron it with steam. Then the fabric will allow possible shrinkage, and thereby prevent possible deformation of the finished product due to changes in the linear dimensions of the fabric after washing. From calico you need to cut out the following parts: the right and left shelves, the back and two sleeves of the future shirt.

We sew a baptismal shirt

We sew a baptismal shirt

We sew a baptismal shirt

Sewing a shirt includes preparing individual parts and directly assembling the product into a single whole. Thus, the preparation of sleeves consists of stitching sewing along their lower edges.

We sew a baptismal shirt

Installation of the product includes assembling the product along the shoulder seams, sewing sleeves into open armholes.

We sew a baptismal shirt

Then the side seams of the shirt are sewn down at the same time as the bottom seams of the sleeves. A tie is inserted into the left side seam.

We sew a baptismal shirt

After this, sewing is sewn along the edges and neckline, and the bottom of the shirt is hemmed. A second tie is sewn into the right side.

We sew a baptismal shirt

The final stage in sewing a baptismal shirt is to embroider a cross with a side of 5 cm on the back. This can be done either with a tight zig-zag seam, laying it along the markings, or by sewing a narrow ribbon. Cotton fabrics are highly wrinkleable, so you shouldn’t pick up the finished shirt immediately after ironing; it’s better to let it lie on the ironing board until it cools completely. Or you can give it shape using starch.
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