Magic pills for sad thoughts

Any holidays, especially New Year's, mean present not only for your closest and dearest people, but also for your friends and colleagues. The budget for such gifts is usually limited, but you want the surprise to carry a piece of the giver’s warmth and be remembered for its originality. An excellent option is a homemade jar with magic pills to lift your spirits. Even novice craftsmen can create such a gift.
To do this you will need:
  • Any glass jar with a lid (great for baby food, mustard or capers).
  • Elegant fabric.
  • Sintepon, cotton wool or cosmetic discs.
  • Cardboard.
  • Needle and thread.
  • Burlap and paper for the label.
  • Various decorative decorations (rhinestones, beads, lace, ribbons, pendants - depends on your imagination).
  • Marmalade, dragees, dried fruit or any other treats.
  • Glue gun or any other glue.
  • Acetone or nail polish remover.

Magic pills

The jar must be thoroughly rinsed, removing all old labels and traces of glue. If warm soapy water does not help and the glue remains on the jar, acetone will help. Just moisten a cotton pad and carefully clean the glass from stains of old glue.The next step is to design the lid. To do this, cut out a circle from cardboard equal to the diameter of the lid. From the fabric you need to cut a circle slightly larger than cardboard.

Magic pills

If there are decorations that need to be sewn on, it is better to do it now. We design the front side of the fabric to your taste. Beads or pendants will come in handy. Appliqués made from a material with excellent texture, such as felt, will look great. Gather the fabric circle around the edges. We put cotton wool or padding polyester in the middle, determining the required amount by eye. Cover the stuffing with a cardboard base, carefully tighten the thread, and secure it with a knot. It turns out to be a small pillow.

Magic pills

Magic pills

We decorate the sides of the lid with lace or ribbons. It will be better if the tape does not go too far over the edge. Otherwise, there will be problems closing the jar. We carefully monitor the amount of glue so that the lid looks neat. The junction can be covered with a cute decorative bow or large rhinestone.

Magic pills

Carefully glue the cardboard base of the pad to the top of the lid using hot glue or any other. We press and wait a couple of minutes so that the glue has time to “set.” If desired, we complement the design with sparkles or rhinestones, gluing them with a gun. The jar is almost ready. All that's left is the label. Cut out a rectangle from burlap, focusing on the size of the jar. We cut out a slightly smaller rectangle from paper, sign the name of our magic pills and sew or glue it to the burlap. We paste the resulting label onto the jar.

Magic pills

Fill the bottle with various tasty treats. A pleasant, sweet and, of course, original gift is ready.

Magic pills

Variations of labels can be very different - “For laziness”, “For the sweet life”, simply personalized, etc. Everything depends only on the creative abilities of the creator. Such nice jars with magic pills will definitely appeal to everyone whom you really want to congratulate on the holiday.
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Comments (1)
  1. Angelinka
    #1 Angelinka Guests August 7, 2017 12:00
    An excellent idea, it will be good for dreamy young ladies and capricious children. There will be something to cheer you up and inspire you to new beginnings. I wouldn’t mind perking up with such a delicious meal myself.