Hawaiian lotus

Using thin synthetic materials you can create luxurious jewelry. Such things include hair clips and elastic bands, the basis of which is a lush flower.

Hawaiian lotus

To make this decoration you will need:
- scissors.
- some thin fishing line.
- lighter.
- pink or red hair tie.
- glue gun.
- rectangles of bright pink dress fabric measuring 5 x 6 cm, 24 pieces in total.
- rectangles made of bright pink material measuring 5 x 5.5 cm, 11 pieces in total.
- square pieces made of yellow dress fabric measuring 5 x 5 cm.
- lighter.
- a circle of bright pink dress fabric with a diameter of 5 cm.

Creating decoration.
To begin with, you should cut out the petals for the flower from all the rectangular parts. The result will be 24 elongated parts, 11 short ones and 5 yellow petals of the same size.


Now you need to process the edges of all prepared petals using a lighter. A special feature of this flower is the corrugated edges of the petals, so when burning them in the rounded areas you need to slightly stretch them.Thanks to this, the upper part of these parts will become wavy, and under the influence of a hot flame their shape will be preserved for a long time.


In the same way, you need to process all the petals from bright pink and yellow fabric. Next you need to make a central vein on each petal. To do this, the part should be folded in half with the front side inward.

bend the petal

Now, at the place of the resulting fold, you need to carefully bring the fire of a lighter and carefully melt it. The main thing is that the fabric melts just a little, but no burnt holes appear. The fold should be burned gradually moving along its length, and the areas with melted tissue should be carefully squeezed with your fingers so that the vein takes on its shape.

melted fabric

The result is beautiful petals with a central vein that holds the shape of the entire piece. These steps should be repeated with all prepared petals.

you get beautiful petals

When all the parts are ready, you can start connecting the flower. To do this, you need to take a circle with a diameter of 5 cm, which will be the base of the flower, and process its edges with a lighter.

flower base

Now you need to glue the first row of parts to the base, consisting of 5 long petals made of bright pink fabric.

glue the petals to the base

After this, you need to continue gluing the petals, 5 pieces in each row, placing the parts between the two petals of the previous row.

glue the petals to the base

When all the long petals are glued, the decoration should be put aside and continue creating the upper part of the flower. To do this, the fishing line needs to be cut into pieces 6 cm long and glued together into a bundle, they will be the stamens of the flower. Next, you need to glue a yellow petal to the stamens. It must wrap itself around all the stamens. The remaining pieces of yellow fabric should be attached around the stamens.

stick a yellow petal

Now you need to glue small pieces of bright pink fabric around the yellow petals.

The result will be a small flower.

stick a yellow petal

Now you need to carefully glue these two flowers together.

Hawaiian lotus

The lush lotus flower is ready, all that remains is to glue the elastic on the wrong side, and the decoration is completely created.
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