Gift box

There are always enough celebrations, events and reasons for presenting small tokens of attention in the form of surprises or gifts on the calendar, but I want to make this process special, not ordinary; it’s always nice to share a piece of your warmth with a souvenir.
A present for the eighth of March or Christmas, or maybe a cute trinket on a beautiful morning or a romantic evening, just for no reason, can easily fit into a box “in five minutes,” the manufacturing process of which requires a minimum of effort, time and materials.

Tools and available materials:

Tools and available materials

- stationery scissors;
- a simple pencil;
- 5 minutes of time, a little diligence, positive mood;

wrapping paper square

If we have stocked up with everything necessary to make a box, then we can calmly move on to the creative process - turning paper into a box “in five minutes.”
First, cut out a square from wrapping paper. We set the dimensions depending on the required dimensions of the box. In our situation, the dimensions of the lid are 19*19 cm. The final size of the box “in five minutes” is 6*6cm.

how the square is cut

bend all the corners of the square

After the square is cut, carefully bend the corners towards the center as shown in the photo below.

bend all the corners of the square

Along the way, we bend all the corners of the square towards the center, repeating one action after another, as in the photo below.

make two cuts

After bending, we make two cuts as in the photo. Please note that the cuts are not made all the way to the middle. Be careful.

make two cuts

Our box lid is ready, now we will put everything together step by step, follow the process in the photo:

fold in stages

fold in stages

fold the box

the box is ready

So, the lid of the box is ready, now we move on to making the bottom - the lower part of the box, we took plain white paper for the bottom. We do everything the same, step by step, only we set the dimensions to be 3-5 mm smaller, in this case it is 18.6 * 18.6 mm.

let's move on to making the bottom

the box is ready

Helpful advice from the author: the box is planned to be made without glue, but in the case of the box in the photo, the corners and edges were fastened with glue for better strength. When making a box yourself, you will understand for yourself whether you need to glue the corners or not. The main thing is not to be afraid to try and experiment, the creative process is endless and beautiful, enjoy it.
You can decorate the resulting box with a ribbon or braid, tying a bow or a knot.

gift box

The box is ready “in five minutes”, don’t forget to fill it with your favorite sweets, put a small souvenir or a cute trinket there. The main thing is that along with the gift, the person for whom the box is intended will receive a piece of your soul and warmth!
Make miracles with your own hands, all the best!

DIY gift box
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